Americans for Patient Access (“APA”) is a nonprofit trade organization made up of industry leaders committed to ensuring immediate access to necessary and quality healthcare for uninsured and under-insured patients who have been injured through no fault of their own, and to aid medical providers in offering their services to as many patients as possible, regardless of their ability to pay. As an organization, the APA supports innovative medical lien solution programs, that provide uninsured and underinsured patients access to healthcare each year – at no cost to the state.
Since our inception in 2018, the APA has focused our resources to defeat legislation designed to eliminate medical funding and limit patient access to care. During the 2020 legislative session, APA members, medical providers and patients were on the front lines meeting with legislators and testifying in committee hearings that if medical lien funding was eliminated, patients would be denied or delayed access to critical medical treatment. Florida and Georgia are two states that came close to passing legislation in the spring of 2020 that would have eliminated medical lien funding as we know it.
The APA is the only nationwide trade organization dedicated to protecting medical lien funding and providers’ ability to treat personal injury patients. The amount of legislation impacting the medical funding doubled since 2019. The industry has a target on its back, and our opposition is coming. The Chamber of Commerce and insurance defense lobby are determined to eliminate medical funding for victims who cannot afford care, so they can reduce their costs, limit patient access, and shrink jury verdicts. The time to act is now.
We have boots on the ground across the country, working to defeat these measures and preserve your ability to treat personal injury patients with medical funding. It is imperative we increase our membership to fund our legislative efforts and engage more providers to join in with the APA. We are undeniably more impactful if we are a well-funded, organization with membership including both medical providers and industry representatives who share a united voice to educate legislators on the value of our services.
Legislators listen when medical providers speak. Patient access to quality medical care resonates with politicians. By joining the APA, you will be advised of important legislation, and given a list of legislators you can call, write or email to voice your opinion. You can have a front row seat at hearings and testify in support or opposition to legislation. As evidenced by the successes in Florida and Georgia, medical providers are the most persuasive voice in educating legislators as to the value of medical funding. By participating in the APA, you can shape the discussion and inform decisionmakers why they should not legislate away a segment of your patients. Your practice is at risk, and your voice can help eliminate that risk. Step up, speak up, and join the APA.
Medical providers often do not receive critical information regarding legislation that could significantly impact their practice, because the state medical associations are either unaware of the legislation or spread too thin to engage and educate its’ membership. The APA is laser focused on monitoring all legislation that could impact the treatment of personal injury patients and fair payments for providers. As members of the APA, you will be kept informed of any proposed bills that could impact your ability to treat personal injury patients.
Joining is easy, and membership fees are based
on your annual dollars deployed for medical funding.