According to Mental Health America, the death of a loved one is the single most stressful event anyone can experience. In addition to the overwhelming emotional toll it takes on the surviving spouse, the death of a husband or wife can create financial stress, making it even harder to cope with the loss. The death of a child also causes crushing grief, and even anger, fueled by intense feelings of injustice. These feelings are often compounded when the death is sudden, or unexpected.
If your loved one died as a result of someone else’s negligence at a nursing home, in a motor vehicle accident, or as the result of an assault, medical malpractice, or similar incident, you may have several options for legal recourse. Depending on the circumstances, one may be to file a wrongful death lawsuit. Although it can never truly make up for the emotional devastation you’ve experienced, this type of lawsuit may provide some measure of justice by holding the responsible party accountable in court. From a practical standpoint it may also compensate you for the financial, emotional and other losses stemming from your loved one’s death.
Something to keep in mind, however, is that the defendant and their insurance company will often go to great lengths to delay payment. As a result, you may experience significant financial hardship in addition to coping with a tremendous loss.
If you have filed a wrongful death lawsuit and you need help covering routine expenses until it settles, we are here to help. Specifically, we may be able to provide the financial relief you need through a wrongful death lawsuit funding.
What is legal lawsuit funding for a wrongful death lawsuit?
One of the advantages of pre-settlement funding is that it is fairly easy to obtain. All you have to do is give us some basic information about yourself and your case. Then we’ll get in touch with your attorney (yes, you must have one) to get some additional information.
We’ll make a determination about your eligibility based on the strength of your case and the likelihood it will be resolved in your favor. If you qualify, we’ll let you know the amount of your potential funding. If the amount is acceptable to you, you and your attorney must sign the relevant paperwork and we’ll get the money to you as soon as possible.
Our approach to pre-settlement funding
With some lawsuit funding companies the bottom line is the top priority. But when we say we’re here to help, we not only mean it, but we also act accordingly. That means you’ll always be treated with compassion and respect. We’ll respond to your request for financial help and answer any other questions promptly. We’ll also address your concerns in a professional manner. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you get the financial relief and peace of mind you need while your case is pending.
What determines the worth of a wrongful death suit?
Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to this particular question. The reason is that legal classification of wrongful death encompasses a vast array of personal injury cases.
Take a motor vehicle case, for instance. This is usually fairly straight forward, as long as there are no questions about liability. In these circumstances, plaintiffs in wrongful death auto accidents are frequently – but not always – fully compensated. However, the full amount may be further reduced based on the number of eligible heirs.
But what about a wrongful death caused by medical malpractice or nursing home negligence? In these circumstances, the worth of the case is even more difficult to calculate. This is because your lawyer must present sufficient proof that the accused did not meet the expected standard of care, thereby causing the death of your loved one. The extent of any suffering your loved one experienced before he or she died is also considered.
A wrongful death case involving a patient with a poor prognosis who died quickly during a procedure would seldom result in a large verdict. On the other hand, a case involving a relatively healthy patient harmed in a botched procedure and subjected to multiple corrective procedures before he or she died is likely to result in a significant verdict.
You may also be able to file a lawsuit if a defective product killed your loved one. In these circumstances, the company that made the product will probably have product liability insurance to provide protection and cover costs associated with the lawsuit.
How long does it usually take for a wrongful death case to settle?
As with the previous question, there is no simple answer. Instead, it depends on several factors including but not limited to:
- The underlying case type
- How old your loved one was when he or she died
- The extent of the suffering your loved one experienced prior to death
- Where the case is being heard
- Whether the defendant’s insurance company tends to settle or go to trial
The bottom line is that these matters are sometimes resolved quickly, and can sometimes drag on for years. If you have filed a wrongful death lawsuit that is still pending, you may be having difficulty making ends meet. Contact us to see if you qualify for pre-settlement funding that will provide the financial relief you need and the freedom to concentrate on what matters most.
Oasis provides pre-settlement funding, also known as consumer litigation funding, to its customers through different products depending on their state of residence or cause of action. Many consumers will be provided pre-settlement funding in the form of a purchase agreement, which assigns a portion of the pending proceeds from their legal claim. Other consumers, such as those in SC and CO will be offered a funding in the form of a pre-settlement loan, sometimes referred to as a lawsuit loan. These transactions have important differences, therefore, consumers should carefully review and be aware of the type of transaction that is offered to them by any funding company.